The New Music I’m Listening To Gregariously This Week, December 23 – 29, 2023:

The year is coming to a sleepy end, but that doesn’t mean we can’t wake up the neighbours with some noisy New Releases.

I’ve found four titles that I’m excited to share with you!

A duo that records under the name Willy Rodriguez has recorded and released what is purported to be their last collaboration. I’m obviously late to the party, but after listening to wetdream, I hope they will continue to make ingenious experimental Music. I use the term experimental for its roughshod sound that verges on distortion, paired with a symphonic sheen. The liner notes indicate that it took more than just the pair to make the sound found on these thirteen tracks. It ends with the majestically weird 20-minute revisited. Chamber Emo. Is that a thing?

Willy Rodriguez – wetdream

Polish Punk is not a thing I thought I needed in my life. The microlabel Syf Records has been churning out banger after banger of lo-fi Garage Punk that have opened up my ears. Their latest example is a duo called RAUT. They are led by Pawel Górnik on Guitar, Drum machine and vocals, while Julia Szymla plays bass. Their latest, II, is a six-track EP that is energetic and bouncy. The vocals harken the darkness of Bauhaus, while the effects give it all a ‘slightly submerged in water’ feel. Points off for the quiet recording, so turn it up LOUD. The BandCamp edition has two bonus songs.


It’s a very Punky year-end, as the never-ending moshpit in the Live Venue at My Imaginary Nightclub has been tasked with Holiday Decoration Demolition. While they take aim at the boughs of holly with sledgehammers, pogoing all the way, they swing their hair wildly to German Punk Band KÜKEN. Their latest album, s/t (III), is straight-ahead PowerPunk, powered by your classic Power Trio lineup of Guitar, Bass and Drums. Shouted vocals are a call to action, and a I’ve got a 6-foot plastic Christmas tree with my chainsaw’s name on it.

KÜKEN – s/t (III)

I was so taken by this next release that I awarded it my Feature Pick for the week on Wednesday. An Artist from Alabama called Solska is exemplifying the “nothing is true; everything is permitted” ethos on his latest release Weekend Christ. Opening with a pair of saxophones and some dialogue, followed by ecstatic wild drumming, Chungchun, the opener explodes with guitar and drums and trumpet, with manic vocals. The ten-track album continues with trips through 8-bit sound, distorted synths, and lyrics like, “I’m working up the confidence to kill my dad.”Noise Rock, yes, but also perfectly assembled nonsense. Requires multiple listens to catch every little nugget of greatness.

Solska – Weekend Christ

All the best to you and yours for 2024. Let’s hope it’s a good one, without any fear.

Don’t forget! The presentation of the 2023 New Music Jason Prize is on Sunday, December 31 at 9:00 EDT!

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